domenica 19 agosto 2012


After 43 hours, 08 minutes and 55 seconds of rendering time, this is a stone Amethyst. (1600x1200px)

I created the Amethyst for a cover of an Italian literature book about Gadda, "La lingua al secondo grado".

The stone represents a symbol where there is more inside of things, something with a strong mathematical structure.

3d Studio+Vray+Photoshop

domenica 1 luglio 2012

venerdì 15 giugno 2012

Science park water, arch. Francesco Palpacelli.
reinterpretation of the fountain unrealized

I suggested an exhibition of statues in the exhibition area

3ds, vray, multiscatter, photoshop, about 30 minutes to render each 

mercoledì 9 maggio 2012

L'AMNISTIA spiegata in 3 minuti

Realized for

3ds Max for modelling, Vray rendering, after effects and Premier for compositing

I made thise short in about 40 hour of work, without rendering time

giovedì 5 aprile 2012

vray proxy

I have scatter a Vray Proxy of beautiful tree on a noised plai, with only a Vray Sun light.


Time: in 25min 800x600

Only 412 poligons in the scene, but over 1'000'000'000 poligons rendered!!!

mercoledì 28 marzo 2012

lumina perla contest

I made these image for an italian contest about Perla lamp by Lumina.

A dead world outside, but inside the eart there is a new world thanks the electrical light

I made three different rendering, the mountain (in Vue), the eart layer (modelled with Vue in 3ds e rendered with Vray) and the Nature (modelled in 3ds and rendered wuth Vray). After that I composited the image in Photoshop.

mercoledì 14 marzo 2012

perla contest

I started to create a new image for the Perla contest.
This is the first image:

the image is completely created with 3ds Max; the grass is made through a mix of autograss and multiscatter elements.
Good Job

sabato 7 gennaio 2012

Grass test

This image shows the very high quality grass achievable only with vue.

mercoledì 4 gennaio 2012

2012 first image

Vue 10 spline tool test.
Now it's possible to modify a terrain with a spline on it, and also to create an EcoSystem around the spline.